Friday, April 29, 2011

Love it!

Made my Day :)

Just thought this was really clever :) You can find even more amazing photoshopped images here. Check it out!
John Sayles Design Co. is the product of 25 years of experience in the design field. Each design is created by collaboration among the whole team, producing the ideal end product. The company has been  a recipient of over 1000 awards in design excellence over the years.  I used on of the designer's logos as almost a template for my design, utilizing the primary colors as well as some funky shapes to try and mimic the designer's style.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Found this packaging design on one of the links from the class blog. Here. What appeals to me is the vintage look. The hand drawn element makes the packaging more personal, not so corporate. The design itself is very strong in utilizing space to sell the product effectively.